The course provides some training activities aimed at developing soft skills, language skills and IT skills.

  • Language module

The Doctoral School in Economic and Legal Sciences of the University of Parma offers a 36-hour study skills course in English for Academic Purposes at the University Language Centre. The course is delivered in English by a mother-tongue teacher and covers writing academic articles, skills for conference attendance and presentation skills. Students carry out tasks associated with a variety of academic roles, including listening to lectures / presentations and note-taking; writing short report from notes; reading and writing a summary / abstract / research paper / report / peer review; poster design; preparing and delivering presentations; describing processes; verbalizing data; describing information presented visually; writing a CV; drafting formal international correspondence; and grammar revision where appropriate. For the final mark, students are evaluated continuously through participation, task completion and level.

Credit-bearing courses in Italian for speakers of other languages are held at the University Language Centre of the University of Ferrara through Doctoral school IUSS-Ferrara (1391).

Attendance entails credits’ acquisition.

  • Fundamental principles of ethics

The seminars cycle is organized by the PhD program in the Psychology Department at the University of Parma to explore the ethical dimension of research. It is specifically aimed at doctoral students in the fields of economics and psychology and aims to promote:

  • Theoretical knowledge regarding the ongoing debate in the scientific community on ethics and research integrity.
  • Autonomy in judgment regarding the issues addressed and autonomy in the preparation and conduct of research involving human subjects.
  • The ability to ethically communicate research data.

The seminar series covers the following topics:

  • Presentation of the theoretical principles of ethics and research integrity.
  • Codes and Ethical Committees (IRB - Institutional Review Board).
  • Good and bad research practices.
  • Ethical dilemmas.
  • Research ethics in the social sciences (protection of subjects and the discipline, informed consent, data protection, dissemination).
  • IRB approval procedures.

The seminar series takes place in person and consists of three sessions, each lasting approximately three hours. The lessons will be both frontal, using PowerPoint presentations, and with interactive elements, involving the doctoral students in plenary or group discussions.

  • IT module

The Doctoral School in Economic and Legal Sciences and the IUSS-Ferrara (1391) offer credit-bearing seminars and lessons for the acquisition of IT skills for the following:

  • Science and technology: advanced IT and computing / simulation environments;
  • Life sciences: widely used computer systems and dedicated databases;
  • Humanities: computerized cataloguing and archiving, dissemination, EU databases and econometric software.

Attendance entails credits’ acquisition.

  • Management of research and knowledge of European and international research systems 

The Doctoral School in Economic and Legal Sciences and the IUSS-Ferrara (1391) hold credit bearing cycles of seminars and lectures on technology transfer and knowledge of research and financing systems. They aim to help doctoral students in scientific, legal and economic fields to meet the challenges of innovation and the renewal of Italy inside or outside academia.

Attendance entails credits’ acquisition.

  • Enhancement and dissemination of results, intellectual property rights and open access to research data and products

The Doctoral School in Economic and Legal Sciences and the IUSS-Ferrara (1391) hold cycles of seminars and lessons on the Protection of Intellectual Property, with particular attention to the writing of the final dissertation thesis.  

  • Laboratory activities

For research activities, students can use the laboratories and research centers of the university departments taking part in the course program. At Parma University, for example, they will find:

  • Business Administration - LAM-Laboratory in Accounting and Management, SILAB-Social Impact Lab, University Bioethics Center;
  • Finance, banking and insurance - Research laboratory in Governance and Internal Controls in banks (with Tor Vergata University (Rome);
  • Marketing - Neuromarketing research laboratory, Fidelity Observatory, RetaiLab;
  • Economics - Research Laboratory in Experimental Economics, Unintended Consequences Lab, LEIGIA-Laboratory on the Economics of Businesses in Italy, Germany and Austria.

Ferrara University hosts the following laboratories:

  • CRISAL, Interdepartmental Research Center on Health Management
  • CERVAP, Center for Research on Public Value
  • CERCIS, Center for Research on Circular Economy, Innovation, and SMEs
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