Mercoledì 7 novembre 2018 alle ore 13, Aula F (palazzina Feroldi) si terrà il Seminario "It's time to cheat!" tenuto dalla Prof. Natalia Montinari.

Breve abstract:

"The decision to cheat involves intertemporal decision making as well as an assessment of the risk about being discovered. We run a lab experiment to study the connection between time preferences and cheating at the individual level, controlling for individuals' risk attitude; our hypothesis is that the willingness to cheat is higher among individuals who attribute more importance to the present. Our experiment, designed to preserve anonymity, also allows us to record socio-demographic details and information on logic ability, overconfidence and a number of psychological traits such us altruism and self-control. We observe widespread cheating, and robust evidence of a negative correlation between cheating and time discounting. Cheating also turns out to be positively correlated with over-confidence."

Il ciclo di seminari procederà secondo il calendario che segue:

Mercoledì 21/11/18 F. Arfini e M. Veneziani (Università degli Studi di Parma) "Assessing the sustainability of Food Quality Schemes: case study evidence from the Strength2Food Project", h13, aula F;

Mercoledì 28/11/18 M. Capriati (Università di Bari) "Capabilities, Innovation and Economic Growth" h14, TBA;

Mercoledì 05/12/18 G. Verga (Università degli Studi di Parma) TBA, h13, aula F;

Lunedì 17/12/18 R. Feng (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) TBA, h13, aula F.

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