Giovedì 6 dicembre, dalle 10 alle 11, in Aula D, si terrà il Seminario "Does national culture explain the gender gap in financial literacy?". Relatore Elizabeth Ooi University of Western Australia, UWA Business School.

Abstract: Prior literature on the financial literacy gender gap shows that socio-demographic factors partially explain the gap. This study argues that culture influences individuals’ choice to
invest in financial literacy and helps to explain the gap. Microdata from 28 countries for
32,148 individuals is employed in a Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition analysis. Results show that after controlling for socio-demographic factors and country-level variables, the financial literacy gender gap is narrower in countries that are more masculine, long-term oriented, high in uncertainty avoidance, indulgent and gender egalitarian. These cultural dimensions explain between 7 to 22 percent of the explained component in the decomposition analysis.

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