Il Prof. Simone Baglioni, docente del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali, coordinatore del Progetto europeo Sirius, organizza insieme alla Commissione europea un workshop online sul tema dell’inclusione dei migranti in Europa tramite il lavoro, nell'ambito della European Week of Regions and Cities, l’appuntamento annuale istituzionale europeo più importante nella comunicazione tra Europa e territori/governi locali.

A causa dell'emergenza sanitaria Covid 19 quest’anno tutto si tiene online.

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Abstract e programma:

Workshop rationale: How do we elaborate mechanisms that aim to pacify social relationships that might be, or might be depicted as, contentious when immigrants and hosting societies meet and compete over values, but also over resources such as jobs? What are the barriers and the enablers for different actors such as NGOs, unions and citizens aiming at engaging in reaching social cohesion while valuing diversity?  Come, speak with scientists and actors from different levels of governance, sectors and age groups.

Friday 9 October 9:30—11:00

1) Introduction (K. Wilde, REA)     

2) Key barriers towards a pacified society: immigrants' integration in the European labour market (Prof. S. Baglioni, PI H2020-SIRIUS), setting questions for the speakers who respond according to their ‘area’ of expertise:

3) European legal systems of immigration: 'pacifiers' or 'trouble' makers'? MEP Tineke Strik in dialogue with Prof. Veronica Federico (University of Florence, H2020-SIRIUS) 


4) What role can NGOs and private companies play in labour integration? Prof. S. Baglioni in dialogue with NGOs: Ms. F. dalla Tana (CIAC Onlus Parma) & Ms D. Spyratou (Solidarity Now) 

5) Challenges for local authorities: Lessons from the OECD (Dr. C. Charbit) in dialogue with Prof. A. Membretti (INTERREG, Eurac, EU MINT)

6) Interactive citizen sessions with NGOs & guests in all slots, e.g., SOLIDARITY NOW, SOLIDAR, C. Stadelhofer /Danube Networkers


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