Students are provided with rigorous methodological foundations and functional design skills for carrying out research activities in the specialized theme of their doctoral project. The training is developed both at a multidisciplinary and disciplinary level. Multidisciplinary training provides unity in the research and problem-solvin, while disciplinary training associates the doctoral student with the research group that ensures coherent epistemological foundations related to the analysed theme. The training is conducted through various types of integrated and personalized teaching to acquire knowledge of the specific research problems and techniques related to the topics covered in the course.

These outcomes are achieved by structuring the PhD program as follows:

  • Year 1, foundations of scientific research and shaping of the PhD research project;
  • Year 2, development of the PhD thesis, by conducting research activities and eventually spending a period abroad at qualified universities/research institutes;
  • Year 3, completion of the Phd thesis by conducting research activities and presenting results to academic conferences.

The first year of the Ph.D. aims to provide all the necessary knowledge for appropriately designing the research project and to develop soft, linguistic and e-skills.

After providing the methodological foundations of scientific research, starting from the first year and throughout the second year, the training program is tailored specifically to each individual student, aligning activities, lectures, and seminars with their chosen research area. Participation in national and international conferences and the presentation of studies for potential publication are strongly encouraged and supported from the second year onwards. Writing the doctoral thesis becomes the focus of the third year.

Strongly recommended is a period of study abroad, starting from the second year of the PhD program, so that students can learn advanced research techniques and/or address emerging research issues with respect to the research topic investigated. All three partner universities have signed collaboration agreements for training and research with other foreign universities. Students can rely on the international network of relationships established by their tutor to identify the most suitable overseas location based on their specific research interests. For research activities conducted abroad, the scholarship amount is increased by 50% for a maximum period of 12 months. This period can be extended by an additional 6 months for cotutelle doctorates or those activated under Article 3, paragraph 2 of Ministerial Decree 226/2021. The website of the doctoral courses at the University of Parma, particularly the Regulations of the Doctoral Courses at the University of Parma, provides detailed information on the procedures for accessing international mobility. It is possible to pursue a cotutelle doctorate with a foreign university, subject to agreement between the tutor, the coordinator, and the drafting of a specific agreement between the two universities. Cotutelle can be activated, with the approval of the College of Teachers, for students enrolled in the first or second year of the program, allowing them to conduct research at both contracting institutions.

In addition to the scholarship, each doctoral student is provided, within the existing financial resources allocated by the accredited entities in accordance with current legislation, with a research budget for activities conducted in Italy and abroad of 10% of the scholarship. This budget is managed by the student's home department, in accordance with specific procedures.

After admission to the program, each student is assigned a tutor (and possibly a cotutor) by the Academic Board, who serves as the research supervisor and with whom the annual training activity plan is agreed upon.

At the end of each year, the student is required to submit to the tutor for approval the annual summary report of activities, including a detailed list of these activities, certification of completed requirements, and a summary of the research activities conducted (methodology, objectives, results obtained). The tutor verifies the coherence of the annual activities with the overall three-year plan of the student's training and research path. The signed summary report, approved by the tutor, must be transmitted to the coordinator.

Once the annual summary report is obtained, the College of Teachers evaluates the progress of the research project annually through an assessment, which consists of a public presentation of the results achieved by each student. The judgment of the Academic Board is binding for admission to the following year and/or the final examination.

Academic Program

Research foundation courses are organized according to three pillars: Theories, Methods and Applications.

The Theories pillar includes the theoretical courses in Micro-Macroeconomics and Management Theories.

The Methods pillar includes courses in literature analysis, research design, quantitative and qualitative research techniques, and qualitative and quantitative data analysis tools.

The Applications pillar is declined according to the teaching needs of PhD students through lectures and seminars consistent with the research topic investigated.

Other activities, including courses aimed at the development of soft skills, language skills and computer skills, complete the training.

The total number of credits to be obtained during the three-year period is 180 CFU, with 1 CFU for face-to-face training activities is equivalent to 7 academic hours of teaching. The number of credits that can be acquired annually is 60 CFU. Throughout the three years, it is necessary to earn at least 20 credits in training activities, evenly distributed between disciplinary and interdisciplinary activities.

The acquisition of credits requires participation in the training activity and a positive assessment by the responsible teacher of the course/laboratory.





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