EMIS aims to train PhDs who can apply analytical and computational tools to functional data to make complex decisions in economics and management. The goal is achieved by integrating-as a particular specificity of the course-the tools of economics, management and mathematical-statistics. Students are provided with a solid interdisciplinary foundation and the cultural training necessary to deal with the methodological specificity of the chosen topic, identify an original research perspective and develop a doctoral thesis capable of contributing effectively to the advancement of knowledge.

The course enables participants to approach the doctoral research project from both the perspective of economic theory and the perspective of business theory, embracing the precipitous study contexts of the relevant theoretical fields: business economics, business economics and management, business organization, political economics, applied economics, public economics, firm finance, economics of financial intermediaries, as well as the methods supporting economic and business disciplines.

The focus is on various areas of economics that are areas of interest both academically and practically. Therefore, businesses, nonprofit organizations, companies to public administrations, and international institutions may be the object of research.

The knowledge and skills transferred to students are designed to ensure a fruitful professional placement in academia or, alternatively, in companies or public administrations and international institutions in positions with strong research connotations in the regional, Italian, and European labor markets.

Students are provided with rigorous methodological foundations and functional design skills to carry out research activities in the topic of specialization of the doctoral project. Training is developed at both the multidisciplinary and disciplinary levels. Multidisciplinary training confers unity in the approach to research and in the vision of problems; disciplinary training associates the doctoral student with the research group that ensures the consistent epistemological foundations with respect to the topic under analysis. The training is carried out through various types of integrated and ad personam didactics to acquire knowledge of the problems and research techniques specific to the topics in which the course is divided.

The training objectives are achieved by structuring the doctoral course as follows:

  • 1st year, foundations of research with definition of the doctoral research project;
  • 2nd year, development of the doctoral thesis with research activities and possible period of visiting research at qualified foreign universities/research institutes;
  • 3rd year, completion of the doctoral thesis with research activities and presentation at academic conferences.

The first year is devoted to transferring the basic knowledge needed to properly structure the research project and developing soft skills, language skills, and computer skills.

After providing the methodological foundations of scientific research, as early as the first year and throughout the second year, the training course is designed ad hoc for each individual student by declining the activity, lectures and seminars in coherence with the chosen research area. Participation in national and international conferences and presentation of studies for their potential publication is largely encouraged and supported from the second year onward. The writing of the doctoral dissertation becomes, however, the main commitment of the third year.

Strongly encouraged is a period of study abroad, starting in the second year of the course, so that students can learn advanced research techniquesand/or address emerging research topics with respect to their chosen scientific field. All three universities under the agreement have signed collaborative training and research agreements with other foreign universities. Students can, therefore, rely on the tutor's international relations network to identify the most suitable overseas location with respect to their specific research interests. For the stay abroad for research activities, the amount of the scholarship is increased to the extent of 50% for a total period not exceeding 12 months. This period may be extended by an additional 6 months for doctoral programs in co-tutorship or activated in accordance with Article 3 paragraph 2 of Ministerial Decree 226/2021.The website of the doctoral programs of the University of Parma, and in particular the Regulations of the Doctoral Programs of the University of Parma contain detailed information on how to access international mobility. It is possible to follow the doctoral course in co-tutorship with a foreign university upon agreement with the tutor and coordinator and drawing up an agreement between the two universities. The co-tutela may be activated, subject to approval of the Board of Teachers, in favor of students enrolled in the first or second year of the course, in order to allow the research program to be carried out at both contracting locations.

Each doctoral student is assured, in addition to the grant and within the existing financial resources in the budget of the accredited subjects under current legislation, a budget for research activities in Italy and abroad equal to 10% of the amount of the grant itself. This budget is managed by the Department seat of reference of the student's activities, according to the specific procedures provided.

After admission to the course, each student is assigned a tutor (and possible co-tutor) by the Board of Lecturers, who acts as supervisor of the research and with whom he/she agrees on the annual plan of the educational activity.
At the end of each year, the student is required to submit for the tutor's approval the annual final report card of the activities carried out, including an analytical list of these activities, certification of the aptitudes achieved, and a summary on the research activity carried out (methodology, objectives, results obtained). The tutor verifies the consistency of the annual activity carried out with the overall three-year plan of the student's education, training and research. The consumptive form signed by the tutor must be forwarded to the coordinator.

Acquiring the annual consumptive form, the Board of Lecturers annually evaluates the progress of the research project by means of a verification test consisting of a public presentation of the results achieved by each individual student. The College of Lecturers' judgment of suitability is binding for admission to the following year and/or the final examination.

The fundamentals of research courses are organized according to three pillars: Theories, Methods and Applications.

Theories pillar includes theoretical courses in Micro-Macroeconomics and Management Theories.

The Methods pillar includes courses related to literature search, research design, quantitative and qualitative research techniques, and qualitative and quantitative data analysis tools.

The Applications pillar is declined according to the students' teaching needs through lectures and seminars consistent with the chosen research topic.

Other activities including courses aimed at the development of soft skills, language skills and computer skills complete the coursework.

The total number of credits to be earned in the three-year period is 180 CFUs, with 1 CFU of face-to-face educational activities being equivalent to 7 academic hours of teaching. The number of annual credits that can be acquired is 60 CFUs. During the three-year period, at least 20 credits must be earned in educational activities, equally divided between disciplinary and interdisciplinary activities.

The acquisition of credits requires participation in the educational activity and a positive evaluation by the teacher in charge of the course/lab.

The EMIS doctorate offers the opportunity to acquire skills that are expendable for both academic careers and knowledge-based employment positions. Anticipated employment profiles include occupations within market-driven organizational entities, public institutions, and nonprofit organizations. This is made possible by the learning gained during the doctoral program, aimed at managing the complexity of socio-economic phenomena in small-medium and large organizations open to the challenges posed by the international environment. The synergy between economic, business and mathematical-statistical skills promotes a broad and flexible cultural education, where the conceptual principles of the research areas envisaged by the doctoral project guarantee an integrated package of tools and knowledge correlated with occupations in enterprises, business associations, institutions and administrations and public companies.

Specifically, the main expected outlets are:

  • managerial professions managing value chain activities (research and development, accounting, management control, marketing, sales, human resources and intellectual capital) in enterprises, public companies and administrations, and institutions, including NGOs;
  • managerial professions managing policies in public bodies (policies on innovation, environment, territory, welfare, management of integration between policies);
  • researchers in universities, public research bodies and enterprises.

Occupational outlets, moreover, are fostered by the international experiences that students undertake during their doctoral studies.

The call for applications for admission to the Ph.D. program can be found and downloaded at https://www.unipr.it/dottorati-iscrizione

Other information accompanying and specifically referring to EMIS will be found at https://www.unipr.it/dottorati-carriera-universitaria#paragraph-id--106372

No. 21 scholarship positions will be advertised:

N.6 places (N.3 from the University of Parma and N.3 of the University of Ferrara) affect the research themes characterizing the doctoral course.

Although not exhaustive of the research compact carried out by the College of Professors, some of the research areas consistent with the curricula of the faculty members are noted:

  • Branding and value creation
  • Consumer behavior and marketing management
  • Determination and communication of value in firms
  • Knowledge economics, organization, human capital and labor
  • Economics of environment and natural resources
  • Economics and public management
  • Economics and industrial policies: Innovation, productivity, growth, and convergence
  • Finance and risk management
  • Health care and health management
  • Entrepreneurship and business strategy
  • Performance measurement, budget analysis, and enterprise management control
  • Policies and economics for agri-food
  • Intangible resources and management systems, valuation, and reporting in financial and non-financial
  • Economic choices in the presence of risk

N.2 positions afford PNRR-bound topics - Mission 4 component 1 (Ministerial Decree 118/2023 Art. 8)

1. Management of sustainability and individual and collective well-being

The research project aims to analyze the policies developed within food supply chains to increase the degree of sustainability of supply in both environmental and social terms. Within this framework, it is of interest to understand how sustainable choice is also made explicit in a benefit for both local communities and individuals who can benefit from products that are attentive to health and environmental balance. The object of study are the different stakeholders that accompany the development of food supply chains who, on the one hand, contribute resources of different kinds (space, financial resources, human capital, infrastructure) and, on the other hand, benefit from the value generated in that particular area. Particular attention is paid to the role played by end consumers, who are the main reference of the sustainable policies implemented. Therefore, the research intends to analyze the degree to which consumers adhere to choices of a sustainable nature aimed at ensuring individual and collective well-being as well as their attitudes toward the sustainability policies adopted by companies.

Equal importance is accorded to the contribution made by digital technologies to the sustainable transition; in this area, the presence and use of mobile applications capable of facilitating the adoption of virtuous behaviors by consumers is investigated. The Ph.D. candidate is expected to carry out a period of study and research abroad for a period of six months.

Scientific supervisors: Professors Donata Tania VERGURA, Guido CRISTINI, Sabrina LATUSI - University of Parma


2. Digital Innovation Management: the metaverse

The research project intends to investigate the modes and processes of digital transition of enterprises with particular attention to the metaverse, a virtual world in which users have immersive experiences through new artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) technologies. The analysis focuses on studying the interaction between businesses, brands and users to understand the role that the metaverse will play in complementing the physical relational dimension. Particular attention is paid to its contribution to improving the customer experience and, more generally, to value creation.

The project will extend knowledge and understanding of how relationships are reshaped in the virtual world and the implications for business and society. Contextually, additional research questions will be identified regarding opportunities and challenges that the new virtual world offers in terms of market relationships, vertical and horizontal relationships between firms participating in the value system, and relationships within the organization. The context of investigation is the supply chain of goods for final consumption (durable and non-durable). It is expected that the PhD student will carry out a period of study and research abroad for a period of six months.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Beatrice LUCERI - University of Parma

N.10 posts affect issues bound PNRR - Mission 4 component 1 (Ministerial Decree 118/2023 Art. 9).

1. The role of management in public health companies

Good performance in public administration-and, therefore, also in public hospitals-in terms of quality depends strictly on those who manage services. With this in mind, key competencies of public health management need to be developed and rewarded. The research project aspires to develop criteria and systems to define effective management and leadership competencies for public health care companies. The doctoral student will have the opportunity to study management and organizational models of public hospitals; he/she will have to research the critical success factors of management and contribute effectively to the improvement of public administrations. The research activity will increase knowledge of the Italian public health system through empirical analysis and the development of case studies. It is planned to work closely with several public health companies in the country for a period of six months and to present the results of the studies conducted at national and international scientific conferences. In addition, the doctoral student will have to spend a period of study and research abroad equal to six months.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Antonello ZANGRANDI - University of Parma

2. Managerial Tools and Performance in Public Health Enterprises

The New Public Management paradigm has emphasized the relevance for public entities to adopt tools and logics typical of the private sector in order to improve performance. It is therefore strategic for public managers - and therefore also for managers of public health companies - to know, disseminate and use these tools. The research project aims to investigate the organizational conditions for managerial tools to generate better levels of efficiency and effectiveness. The Ph.D. student will have the opportunity to study the management and organizational models of public hospitals; he/she will have to research the critical success factors of management and actively contribute to the improvement of public administrations. Close collaboration with various public health companies in the country for a period of six months and presentation of the results of the studies conducted at national and international scientific conferences is expected. The doctoral student will, in addition, have to spend a period of study and research abroad equal to six months.

3. The management of sustainability actions in companies of the National Health Service: measurement of results and evaluation of innovation projects in the managerial perspective

The research project aims to analyze sustainability strategies (understood in the environmental, social and economic dimensions) with reference to health and hospital companies that articulate the National Health Service. The focus is on the identification of facilitating and impeding factors for the success of sustainability actions so as to identify best practices, and effective managerial processes capable of highlighting the contribution of healthcare to the achievement of SDGs. Particular attention is given to identifying effective tools and framework of sustainability accounting, as well as analyzing the use of sustainability information for decision-making. The doctoral student will be expected to spend a period of study and research abroad equal to six months, in addition to an additional six months at the facilities of the Azienda Usl of the province of Ferrara.

Scientific supervisors: Prof. Emidia Vagnoni - University of Ferrara; Prof. Antonello Zangrandi - University of Parma

4. Impact Evaluations in Public Administration

The research project aims to investigate economic and social impact evaluation systems - as well as non-financial performance reporting models - in public corporations and investee companies for profit and non-profit. Through these systems, public companies can determine the effects of their activities on people and communities, health and the environment. They also come to have the information they need to improve their performance and to communicate transparently and reliably to stakeholders the goals and results produced in the area of sustainability. Functional to the purpose are nonfinancial performance reporting models for entities, with particular reference to ESG principles, which have become an increasingly important benchmark for companies and public administrations that want to demonstrate their commitment to society and the environment. The project, from a business economics perspective, aims to identify Italian and international best practices in order to define a path for reporting on the impact, and, in general, the sustainability of projects carried out by PA. It is expected that the doctoral candidate will carry out a period of study and research abroad for a period of six months. The duration of the study and research period in a company, research center or a public administration is set at six months.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Marco FERRETTI - University of Parma

5. Public investee companies and performance evaluation: performance evaluation systems of public investee companies

The research project aims to investigate the performance evaluation systems of PA investee companies. The positive performance of these companies depends closely on those who manage the services, as well as the performance measurement systems adopted. The objective is to develop criteria and systems to define effective management and leadership competencies for public investee companies, as well as the set of KPIs that they need to develop for constant monitoring of performance. In addition, in light of the introduction of the new Crisis and Insolvency Code, the research will aim to understand its impact on public administration investee companies. The distressed or pre-disaster condition in which many public entities find themselves is often attributable to the system of investee companies and their impact on the budgets of member entities. The objective of the research project will, therefore, also be to analyze the performance evaluation systems of public investee companies in order to predict their chances of bankruptcy and/or possible debt restructuring. The Ph.D. student will have the opportunity to study the management and organizational models of public entities' investee companies through empirical analysis and the development of case studies. It is planned to work closely with various public investee companies in the local and national territory for a period of six months and to present the results of the studies conducted at national and international scientific conferences. The doctoral student will be able to spend a six-month period of study and research abroad in order to acquire new skills and learn about different realities.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Pier Luigi Marchini - University of Parma

6. Management of Primary Care and Proximity Healthcare

The research project aims to investigate the managerial tools related to proximity healthcare. The management of chronic patients, hospital-territory integration and care taking are objectives that require a redesign of care settings and the definition of tools for measuring performance in order to have efficient, effective and timely diagnostic and therapeutic pathways, this with particular reference to the health needs of the elderly population. In particular, the role of primary care in the organization and management of home care will be analyzed with a national and international perspective (mission 6 line 1). The doctoral student will have to spend a period of study and research abroad equal to six months, to which will be added another six months in public administrations, companies or research centers.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Emanuele Antonio Vendramini - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

7. Public Policies to counter youth inactivity: theproblem of NEETs

The research project aims to investigate the phenomenon of NEETs (young people not employed, not in education or training) in the labor market (Italian and European) with the objective of analyzing the methodological aspects related to the definition of NEETs, the determinants of the phenomenon, its duration, as well as the tools and policies able to remedy it. Since this is a phenomenon with not only economic but also social implications, it is important to analyze all possible definitions. It is a disadvantaged category in the labor market, and there may be several causes for it. Hence the need to use and critically analyze the plurality of definitions introduced by institutions. Another important aspect is the determinants of the phenomenon; therefore, econometric analyses will be carried out to understand which individual and family characteristics most penalize young people and hinder their inclusion in the labor market. With reference to duration, it is important to understand first and foremost whether the phenomenon has a short- or long-term character, and in case it is the latter, it is necessary to identify which are the most critical aspects that determine a trap in the NEET condition, which would lead to a real risk of marginalization. In light of the analyses carried out to analyze the determinants of the phenomenon, its duration and defining aspects, it is crucial to deduce the main policy implications. Doctoral student(s) in public administrations, enterprises or research centers.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Chiara MUSSIDA - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

8. The impact of gamification on the propensity to take financial risk

The project aims to detect the effects of gamification of financial investment on the perception and propensity to take financial risk, using evidence from an experimental survey. More specifically, the research work aims to test whether technology acts on the emotional and cognitive sphere by influencing the propensity to take financial risk.

The project is based on the development of an experiment involving three distinct phases:

  1. participants in the experiment fill out a questionnaire designed to detect certain sociodemographic characteristics, basic financial knowledge, risk tolerance, impulsivity and other individual traits (such as overconfidence);
  2. experiment participants included in Group 1 (i.e., the group to be subjected to treatment in the digital environment - game context) simulate a number of investment choices, using an application developed ad hoc that offers the possibility of experiencing investment in typically very risky products, which are often referred to by the abusive offers overseen by CONSOB; while Group 2 follows a ad hoc protocol;
  3. participants in the experiment fill out a questionnaire designed to detect perceptions associated with the simulation of investment choices and factors within the simulation that may have influenced their choices.

The findings of the study may also be used in the development of youth and adult financial education modules. The doctoral student will have to spend a period of study and research abroad equal to eight months, plus an additional ten months in public administrations, companies or research centers, i.e. CONSOB in the case at hand.

Scientific supervisors: Prof. Giuliana BIRINDELLI and Dr. Mauro ALIANO- University of Ferrara

9. The Measurement and Detection of Greenwashing Phenomena in the Context of Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

The project aims to identify possible measures of greenwashing and ways to identify the same. greenwashing is increasingly under the attention of financial industry regulators and policymakers. This is especially true in the market for sustainable financial products. In this context, greenwashing can undermine the trust placed in sustainable finance

and the ability of the financial system as a whole to channel private capital into sustainable investments. For those involved, greenwashing can pose financial and reputational risks and can cause investors and customers to turn away, with potentially

severe repercussions on the business and performance of financial institutions.

The EU has long addressed greenwashing in the financial market by promoting policies and laws on sustainable finance. In particular, the EU has strengthened transparency (EU, 2022) and laid the groundwork to make it easier for investors to identify credible investment opportunities and potential risks (EU, 2019; EU, 2020). The focus of the project may turn to the transparency obligations regarding sustainability features of asset management products on managers, financial intermediaries, and financial advisors under the so-called Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

Methodologically, the project suggests the use of machine learning methods (e.g., NLP). The items thus collected can be used to calculate a score of greenwashing. The Ph.D. student will have to spend a period of study and research abroad equal to eight months, plus an additional ten months in public administrations, companies or research centers, i.e. CONSOB in the case at hand.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Giuliana BIRINDELLI and Dr. Mauro ALIANO- University of Ferrara

10. Sustainability strategy in the health system and local health companies: an analysis of the managerial, organizational and economic-financial performance implications

In the business-economic perspective, this project aims to identify the extent to which the management processes of health system companies-in light of system policies-incorporate sustainability dimensions. More specifically, through quantitative and qualitative research methods, the project aims to pursue the following objectives:

  • identification of key success variables and performance indicators (KPIs) related to the monitoring of strategic actions converging with respect to environmental and social sustainability strategies;
  • estimation of the impact that social and environmental sustainability performances generate on the economic-financial dimension;
  • identification of the extent to which sustainability principles are absorbed in the design of healthcare facilities;
  • analyzing the extent to which technological innovation (e.g. digitization, telemedicine) results in improved performance in terms of social and environmental sustainability.

In health care, the contribution to the pursuit of sustainability goals still appears to be heterogeneous and poorly investigated, despite the fact that the National Recovery and Resilience Plan has repeatedly called for the need to use the One Health approach (WHO, 2017). The sustainability of health systems also represents, a relevant goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The Ph.D. candidate will be expected to spend a period of study and research abroad equal to six months, in addition to another six months in public administrations, companies or research centers.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Emidia Vagnoni - University of Ferrara

N.1 post affects PNRR-bound topics - Mission 4 component 1 (M.D. 118/2023 Art. 10)

1. History of the Construction of the Culture of Tradition

The research project intends to analyze the profound process of social change that, in the 1980s, introduced the "right to taste" also for the working classes, overcoming the very clear distinction between popular and elite consumption, contributing to the "democratization" of the good and the beautiful, a process that represented a change in customs still visible today and created an important driver of consumption and economic growth. The research project will analyze this change as part of a broader social change, coinciding with the end of the great ideological narratives and representing a hinge that introduces us to the most recent years of our history, in which the relationship between territories, products and consumption behavior has become much closer than in the past. The research project will consider several emblematic examples of this process: the editorial experiences of Gambero Rosso and La Gola, as well as the birth of Slow Food, as well as the experience - which ended up under the radar - of the De.Co. (which are now regaining altitude). The common thread throughout the research will be the study and understanding of the motivations that have led the relationship between territories and product to become such an important driver of the agro-food value chain. It is expected that the doctoral student will carry out a period of study and research abroad for a period of six months. The duration of the study and research period in a company, research center or public administration is set at six months.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Stefano MAGAGNOLI - University of Parma

No. 2 positions afford PNRR-bound themes - Mission 4 component 2 (Ministerial Decree 117/2023)

1. History of food skills and professions as cultural heritage (co-funded by Consorzio Tutela Aceto Balsamico di Modena)

The research project aims to investigate the role played by food techniques and professions in building the reputational capital of Italian food products. The affirmation of Italian products in international markets, based on the presence of a growing reputational capital, has been made possible by several factors, including the role of techniques and professions, knowledge and sensitivities, and the capacities of places to create value and production ecosystems capable of economically enhancing production sectors that, in certain cases, such as agriculture and the agroindustrial industry, suffered from systemic weaknesses. The research project will reconstruct the historical evolution of these phenomena, which, from the end of World War II to the present, represent one of the most relevant factors in the success of Italian products. The research will also analyze the issue of sustainability, particularly economic and social, considering that it will be in the near future one of the most important challenges of the Italian production system. The research project, co-funded on PNRR funds by the Consortium for the Protection of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, aims to train a highly qualified figure in the indicated topics of study, whose skills embrace both the scientific dimension of research and the one more concretely close to the expectations of the production world. The doctoral student is expected to carry out a period of study and research abroad for a period of six months. The duration of the study and research period in the enterprise is set at six months.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Stefano MAGAGNOLI - University of Parma

2.Tax-gap of local taxes: the role of inter-municipal cooperation and service management technology (co-funded by IRES Piemonte)

The tax gap of local taxes is notoriously higher than that of national taxes. In fact, municipalities in particular seem to have lower effectiveness than the central government in combating local tax evasion. It might be reasonable to assume that tax assessment and collection activities at the municipal level can be exercised more effectively and efficiently above a certain size. One solution adopted by some smaller municipalities has been to set up a single Tax Office to handle the entire local tax collection phase within an inter-municipal collaboration such as a Union of Municipalities. The candidate will be required to build a tax gap database of the various local taxes, fees and rates. This will then be combined with a database of Italian municipalities containing socioeconomic characteristics and information on inter-municipal cooperation with the exact date of its inception and eventual termination. The research will investigate through the use of appropriate econometric tools whether the entry into union of the local tax management service has decreased the tax gap of local taxes, also differentiating the result by tax type and socioeconomic characteristics of the municipality. In addition, the dataset will make it possible to distinguish municipalities that apply point-based pricing schemes for waste collection. Punctual pricing may have enabled municipalities to facilitate assessment activities. The candidate will test through appropriate econometric tools whether the introduction of timely pricing has decreased the level of evasion. The outcome of the research is of utmost importance to enable local governments to exercise real autonomy in spending through adequate financial resources of their own. The Ph.D. student will have to spend a period of study and research abroad of at least six months, plus an additional six months at the IRES Piemonte research center.

Scientific supervisor: Prof. Leonzio RIZZO - University of Ferrara

Beatrice LUCERI, Coordinator, University of Parma, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Emidia VAGNONI, Vicarious Coordinator, University of Ferrara. SECS-P/07 - Business Economics


Erindi ALLAJ, Univ. Parma, SECS-S/06 - Mathematical Methods of Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences

Paolo ANDREI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Filippo ARFINI, Univ. Parma, AGR/01 - Rural Economics and Estimation

Stefano AZZALI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Donatella BAIARDI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/02 - Economic Policy

Federica BALLUCHI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Silvia BELLINI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Alessandro CALVIA, Univ. Parma, SECS-S/06 - Mathematical Methods of Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences

Gianluca CAPONE, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Maria Grazia CARDINALI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Andrea CERIOLI, Univ. Parma, SECS-S/01 - Statistics

Aldo CORBELLINI, Univ. Parma, SECS-S/03 - Economic Statistics

Doriana CUCINELLI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/11 - Economics of Financial Intermediaries

Marco FERRETTI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Guido CRISTINI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Luca FORNACIARI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Katia FURLOTTI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Gino GANDOLFI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/11 - Economics of Financial Intermediaries

Marco IEVA, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Fabio LANDINI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Andrea LASAGNI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Sabrina LATUSI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Fabrizio LAURINI, Univ. Parma, SECS-S/03 - Economic Statistics

Stefano MAGAGNOLI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/12 - Economic History

Marco MAGNANI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/02 - Economic Policy

Maria Cecilia MANCINI, Univ. Parma, AGR/01 - Rural Economics and Estimation

Pier Luigi MARCHINI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Tatiana MAZZA, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Mario MENEGATTI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/01 - Political Economy

Davide PELLEGRINI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Gianluca PODESTÀ, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/12 - Economic History

Massimo REGALLI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/11 - Economics of Financial Intermediaries

Simona SANFELICI, Univ. Parma, SECS-S/06 - Mathematical Methods of Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences

Paola Gina Maria SCHWIZER, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/11 - Economics of Financial Intermediaries

Maria Gaia SOANA, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/11 - Economics of Financial Intermediaries

Giulio TAGLIAVINI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/11 - Economics of Financial Intermediaries

Veronica TIBILETTI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Donata Tania VERGURA, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Antonello ZANGRANDI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Cristina ZERBINI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Cristina ZILIANI, Univ. Parma, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management


Mauro ALIANO, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/11 - Economics of Financial Intermediaries

Silvia BERTARELLI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/01 - Political Economy

Stefano BONNINI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-S/01 - Statistics

Enrico BRACCI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Greta CESTARI Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Caterina COLOMBO, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/02 - Economic Policy

Enrico DEIDDA GAGLIARDO, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Fabio DONATO, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Roberto FAZIOLI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/03 - Financial Science

Fulvio FORTEZZA, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Federico FRATTINI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Marianna GILLI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/02 - Economic Policy

Sandrine LABORY, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Salvatore MADONNA, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Susanna MANCINELLI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/02 - Economic Policy

Giuseppe MARZO, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Giovanni MASINO, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/10 - Business Organization

Sabrina MASTURZI, Univ. Ferrara, IUS/04 - Business Law

Antonio MUSOLESI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/05 - Econometrics

Beatrice ORLANDO, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Chiara POLLIO, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Giorgio PRODI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Stefania RAGNI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-S/06 - Mathematical Methods of Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences

Laura RAMACIOTTI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Leonzio Giuseppe RIZZO, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/03 - Financial Science

Ugo RIZZO, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/02 - Economic Policy

Lauretta RUBINI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Alessandra VECCHI, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management

Stefano ZAMBON, Univ. Ferrara, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics


Luca BAGNATO, Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, SECS-S/01 - Statistics

Enrico BELLINO, Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, SECS-P/01 - Political Economy

Matteo COTUGNO, Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, SECS-P/11 - Economics of Financial Intermediaries

Andrea LIPPI, Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, SECS-P/11 - Economics of Financial Intermediaries

Mario MARINONI, Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Nicolò PECORA, Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, SECS-S/06 - Mathematical Methods of Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences


Elisa BARBIERI, Univ. "Ca' Foscari" VENICE, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Michele BIGONI, Univ. Kent (UK), SECS-P/07 - Business Economics

Marco Rodolfo DI TOMMASO, Univ. Bologna, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Roberto IORIO, Univ. Salerno, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Gaetano VECCHIONE, Univ. Naples Federico II, SECS-P/06 - Applied Economics

Representing the 39th cycle doctoral students is Doct. Giovanni Romano


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